Sunday, January 1, 2012

Loving, Letting Go, Leaving and finding Home - Part 2 (on New Years Eve)

Chinese Proverb (Lullaby for Logan)
Where there is light in the soul there will be beauty in the person.
Where there is beauty in the person there will be harmony in the home.
Where there is harmony in the home there will be honor in the nation.
Where there is honor in the nation there will be peace in the world.

Affirmation for a New Year R-evolution

The parties, the drinking, the dancing, .... I planned, I passed for the evening. I am attracted to the scene and energy of celebration, but this year, at this time in my life, I am creating something different. I am ritualizing this day. I am honoring the new, quietly, at home, ... my new home. It is beautiful, and tonight I dance within its beauty, loving myself, loving the miraculous wonder of life and reflecting on the year past and the year to Be. Yes, the year to be, in the process of becoming. Revolving, circling around, again, learning, growing, evolving. What do I want to be creating from this day forward?

There is no end, no beginning. Counting down 2011, an upward continuum spiral into 2012, another R-evolution. All that is behind me is within me, I accept it all. No regrets to speak of, only lessons learned and continued growth. What serves me, others? What do I wish to keep, to cherish? What do I wish to discard, to compost, to turn, over, in surrender? What do I wish to give, in service, in love, with passion? 
I worked today. I am nannying one of the most beautiful shining stars that has ever shone upon the Earth. “Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are?”. You are my beam of sunshine on gray, cloudy days, and it is cloudy here, literally, nearly everyday. I exist in amazement when sitting with you. You are growing in leaps and bounds, practicing daily what you instinctively need to learn, and I am witness. How fortunate I am. Your simplicity is full. Your delight in all things simple is refreshing and rejuvenating. You are a heavyweight, and yet, you lighten my load. You nourish my Soul. Your light ignites my own.
My heart opened wider and warmed as I said good-bye to you this evening. Laying in mother and father’s lap, you looked over your shoulder, smiled at me and said, “I love you, thank you, good-bye”. Without a word, your eyes and gesture said it all. I blew you a kiss and wished you a happy day, knowing we would carry on. Leaving, and walking into the dark evening, I felt  hope for a more peaceful world. Little buddha, you shine and are beautiful. Your light and the love shared with mother and father brings joy and harmony into the home. There is hope for Peace.
You must love in such as way that the person you love feels free”   ~  Thich Nhat Hanh
Loving and letting go allows freedom. I am learning to be free through this shining star. I am loving and letting go, allowing whatever just to Be and I am free.
From this day forward, I will shine and give my love freely, with innocence and trust, like a newborn child, offering beauty, harmony, honor and peace in the world.